Kindergarten iPad Lesson Plan

Today I am taking the iPad to a Kindergarten classroom.  This will be their 3rd experience with iPads.  The teacher, Mrs. Kruming and I have discussed, evaluated apps, and revised the lessons in order to find the best apps that support the objectives of our lessons and best fits the developmental stages of kinders.

Please view our lesson plan below.  PLEASE FEEL FREE to download this lesson and try it out on your kinders.  Please leave a comment.  Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Also we would love to hear about your experiences of incorporating iPads within the elementary curriculum.

I will include the links to the apps used in this lesson later today.  By the way, we only used FREE apps.

1.  Notes (pre-installed) - The writing of the lesson plan
2.  ABC Pocket Phonics (LITE)
3.  MeeGenius (LITE)  - Free eBooks
4.  Dot to Dot Numbers & Letters (LITE)
5.  Hundred Board - Montessori Approach to Math (LITE)
6.  Counting Board (EverQuiz)
7.  Dino Match (Memory/Concentration Game)
8.  LEGO Creationary

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