Day 1 of Our iPad Pilot (2nd Graders)

Friday, December 9, 2011

We as a team decided to conduct an (1-Hour) dry-run of our iPad lab in order to obtain important data for our grant.  We needed to see how the students interacted with the technology, the apps, their engagement level, and most importantly their feedback from the experience.

Our first pilot group was Ms. Mead's 2nd grade class and they worked in pairs.
(3) grant team members were involved in the dry-run.
Mrs. Matthews (Project Research Teacher)
Mrs. Mead (The 2nd Grade Teacher)
Mr. Cook (Science Resource Teacher)

(VIEW the embedded slideshow below)

Our Preparation Steps:
Step 1 of 4:  We installed the following (4) apps on 13 iPads:

(CLICK titles of apps below for their iTunes link)
Lego Creationary    ScreenChomp    Learning A-Z      Notes (pre-installed by Apple)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Step 2 of 4:  
Connected an iPad to the projector via a VGA adapter.

Demonstrate the basic keys and functions of the iPad
--Apps icons
--Home & Volume Keys
--How to "swipe" between screens
--The "Caps" key on the keyboard

Step 3 of 4: Discussed the rules of working in pairs.

Step 4 of 4:  Conduct Lesson Plans for each App.

Lesson:  Lego Creationary App (Guessing Board Game & Visual Discrepancy Skills)
Time:  15 min.
--Demonstrate the app
Students are to guess what structure is being built in a certain timeframe for points.
Each student will learn how to work cooperatively with a partner.
Chose this app first to get inital engagement and numerous opportunities for interaction.

Lesson:  ScreenChomp App
Time:  15 min.
--Demonstrate the app
Each student will draw their face using the drawing tools.
Each student will record their feedback about their interaction with the iPad.
Each student pair will produce a video product from this lesson and title their video.
Each student pair will be able to locate and watch their whiteboard video
from their iPad.
Each student will learn how to work cooperatively with a partner.
Each student will be able to orally express their views.

Lesson:  Notes  App - (pre-installed app by Apple)  (word-processing, writing skills)
Time: 20 min.
--Purpose:  Writing and Reading Skills
Each student pairs will construct a friendly letter that will include all the parts of a letter.
Each student will compose at least (2) sentences expressing their feedback regarding their interaction with the iPad.
Each student pair will read their letter to the class.

AND YES, it was a SUCCESS!!
Team members will report to the team about this activity at next week's meeting.

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